FarmVille Crops – Income

It costs 15 coins to plow a field in order to plant crops in the facebook game FarmVille. Changing this information in my spreadsheet along with the costs and sale prices (self harvest for now, if there is a difference in FarmVille, I’m not aware of it yet) we can calculate the best value crops.
These are the best earning FarmVille crops in order according to coin income:
  1. Peas
  2. Cost: 190 Sell: 381 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 3
  3. Asparagus
  4. Cost: 220 Sell: 357 Harvest Time: 16 hours Planting XP: 2
  5. Onion
  6. Cost: 170 Sell: 275 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1
  7. Grapes
  8. Cost: 85 Sell: 270 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
  9. Sugar Cane
  10. Cost: 165 Sell: 239 Harvest Time: 8 hours Planting XP: 1
  11. Tomatoes
  12. Cost: 100 Sell: 173 Harvest Time: 8 hours Planting XP: 1
  13. Sunflowers
  14. Cost: 135 Sell: 315 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
  15. Green Tea
  16. Cost: 105 Sell: 191 Harvest Time: 10 hours Planting XP: 1
  17. Lilies
  18. Cost: 195 Sell: 369 Harvest Time: 23 hours Planting XP: 2
  19. Ghost Chili
  20. Cost: 80 Sell: 136 Harvest Time: 6 hours Planting XP: 1
  21. Acorn Squash
  22. Cost: 175 Sell: 258 Harvest Time: 10 hours Planting XP: 1
  23. Coffee
  24. Cost: 120 Sell: 243 Harvest Time: 16 hours Planting XP: 1
  25. Black Berries
  26. Cost: 75 Sell: 117 Harvest Time: 4 hours Planting XP: 1
  27. Blueberries
  28. Cost: 50 Sell: 91 Harvest Time: 4 hours Planting XP: 1
  29. Carrots
  30. Cost: 110 Sell: 200 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1
  31. Broccoli
  32. Cost: 200 Sell: 473 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
  33. Raspberries
  34. Cost: 20 Sell: 46 Harvest Time: 2 hours Planting XP: 0
  35. Cabbage
  36. Cost: 140 Sell: 388 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
  37. Pattypan Squash
  38. Cost: 65 Sell: 160 Harvest Time: 16 hours Planting XP: 1
  39. Lavender
  40. Cost: 160 Sell: 384 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
  41. Morning Glory
  42. Cost: 60 Sell: 123 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1
  43. Red Wheat
  44. Cost: 180 Sell: 449 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2
  45. Peppers
  46. Cost: 70 Sell: 162 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
  47. Yellow Melon
  48. Cost: 205 Sell: 528 Harvest Time: 92 hours (4 days) Planting XP: 2
  49. Aloe Vera
  50. Cost: 50 Sell: 85 Harvest Time: 6 hours Planting XP: 1
  51. Corn
  52. Cost: 150 Sell: 380 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2
  53. Rice
  54. Cost: 45 Sell: 96 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1
  55. Red Tulips
  56. Cost: 75 Sell: 159 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
  57. Pumpkin
  58. Cost: 30 Sell: 68 Harvest Time: 8 hours Planting XP: 1
  59. Pineapples
  60. Cost: 95 Sell: 242 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
  61. Potatoes
  62. Cost: 135 Sell: 345 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2
  63. Cranberries
  64. Cost: 55 Sell: 98 Harvest Time: 10 hours Planting XP: 1
  65. Pink Roses
  66. Cost: 120 Sell: 254 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
  67. Strawberries
  68. Cost: 10 Sell: 35 Harvest Time: 4 hours Planting XP: 1
  69. Bell Peppers
  70. Cost: 75 Sell: 198 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
  71. Watermelon
  72. Cost: 130 Sell: 348 Harvest Time: 92 hours (4 days) Planting XP: 2
  73. Cotton
  74. Cost: 75 Sell: 207 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2
  75. Squash – tied with soybeans
  76. Cost: 40 Sell: 121 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
  77. Soybeans – tied with squash
  78. Cost: 15 Sell: 63 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2
  79. Daffodils
  80. Cost: 60 Sell: 165 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
  81. Artichokes
  82. Cost: 70 Sell: 204 Harvest Time: 92 hours (4 days) Planting XP: 2
  83. Eggplant
  84. Cost: 25 Sell: 88 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2
  85. Wheat
  86. Cost: 35 Sell: 115 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2